
Veteran Education Benefits Checklist Form

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Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.

1) The student will receive a College Financing Plan via email once awards have been packaged to the student’s account. The student has been informed to periodically check their myKC Financial Aid account and review the College Financing Plan for any updated information on awards.

2) The student has been informed the College Scorecard can be found at

3) The student may request the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) information at their convenience.

4) The student was informed that benefits could not be certified for payment until all Official transcripts from previously attended colleges and Military transcripts were received by the Registrar's Office.

5) The student will be notified of any and all courses from previous colleges or the military transcript, which will transfer into their new Kilgore College Program of Study for prior course work.

6) The student's major with Department of Veteran's Affairs and Kilgore College must match. If not, the student will need to either complete a change of major with the Veteran Certifying Official or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs prior to certification.

7) The student must submit a Certificate of Eligibility and DD214 before the student can be certified. If this date is later than the start date for the term.

8) It is the student's responsibility to pay any balance, over and above the percentage stated on the Certificate of Eligibility letter, whether with financial aid awards, Hazelwood awards, or their own funds. Note: Hazelwood benefits cannot be used if the student is at a 100% rate, until all Chapter 33 benefits are exhausted.

9) It is the student's responsibility to notify the Veteran Certifying Official of all enrollment prior to the beginning of the enrollment period and of any changes to enrollment during the enrollment period.

10) Students enrolled in certificate programs will be terminated for completion/graduation once the program is complete. If the student desires to enroll in the degree program, the student will be required to complete a Change of Major before a new certification can be completed.

11) Any student receiving student loans must be informed that this is a debt that requires repayment, Kilgore College's Loan Default Rate, and the average of student loan borrowing averages per year upon request.

I have been informed of my rights and responsibilities. I acknowledge that I understand the information on this form above. This information is pursuant to the Principles of Excellence and Memorandum of Understanding.(Required)

About You

Your Name(Required)
Your Address
Your Email Address(Required)
I certify that I am the individual identified above for this Veteran Education Benefits Checklist Form. Submission of this form represents my electronic signature.(Required)