
More than 750 former Rangerettes join iconic group to perform at Cotton Bowl Classic

The Kilgore College Rangerettes, celebrating their 85th anniversary, took center stage as featured performers at the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic Jan. 10 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington.

Joining them in this special celebration were more than 750 former Rangerettes, performing alongside the iconic group to mark this milestone event.

The performance marked the 75th anniversary of performing at the Cotton Bowl.

Among the group of former Rangerettes performing included 94-year-old Betty Taylor from Ennis.

Taylor joined the Rangerettes in the early 1950s, proudly becoming part of the team’s 11th line.

They made their Cotton Bowl debut in 1949, and their dance routines have remained a cherished tradition of the Cotton Bowl ever since.

The Rangerettes have just returned from a trip to London, England where they performed and were special guests on BBC Breakfast (Europe’s version of Good Morning America).

Renowned for their synchronized high kicks and flawless precision, the Rangerettes have embodied Texan pride since their inception in 1940.