
Texas Workforce Commission presents $215K JET Grant to KC’s Radiologic Science program

Kilgore College held a check presentation May 23, to accept a $215,673 Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant from the Texas Workforce Commission.

The check was presented to KC by Commissioner Alberto Treviño III, Commissioner Representing Labor, Texas Workforce Commission.

The grant will be used to purchase an Anatomage Table and accompanying equipment for students at KC who are studying Radiologic Science and Anatomy and Physiology.

An Anatomage Table is a state-of-the-art 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education that is being used by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions.

“Incorporating this new educational tool into our Radiologic Science program will provide our students with invaluable hands-on experience, enhancing their understanding of human anatomy and medical imaging techniques in an interactive and engaging way,” said Courtney Akvan, Radiologic Science program director and instructor. “We are truly thankful to the Texas Workforce Commission’s JET Grant for providing this amazing piece of equipment.”

JET grants from the Texas Workforce Commission “provide funds to eligible entities to purchase and install equipment necessary for the development of career and technical education (CTE) courses or programs that lead to a license, certificate or post-secondary degree in a high-demand occupation.” For more information on the Radiologic Science program at KC, visit