
Van Cliburn Auditorium

About Van Cliburn Auditorium:

The Van Cliburn Auditorium, a comfortable and intimate indoor theatre located in the Anne Dean Turk Fine Arts Center, is the primary performance space for the Kilgore College Theatre Department and the Texas Shakespeare Festival. Built in 1966, the VCA contains a flexible proscenium stage and 220 seats, including a padded bench at the back for overflow.

The stage measures approximately 30’ x 30’ and is equipped with a fly loft containing 26 line sets, a center-stage trap and a stage apron built over the orchestra pit. Wing space is limited on both sides. A double door located stage left leads into the small scene shop area.

The VCA has a walkable lighting balcony, and a new dimmer rack and control board were installed in 2010.The lighting inventory includes instruments from the inventories of both the Theatre Department and the Texas Shakespeare Festival.

Location: 1200 South Henderson Blvd., Kilgore, TX 75662