The Kilgore College-Longview Testing Center provides comprehensive testing services and a secure testing environment for students, faculty, staff and administration.
 Go ahead and click below to schedule online and pay or Toggle the tabs below to show information for either Kilgore or Longview Testing Centers.
Welcome to the KC Testing Center! Please contact the Testing Center at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment. Contact us by email at or by phone at (903) 983-8215.
The Kilgore College-Longview Testing Center provides comprehensive testing services and a secure testing environment for students, faculty, staff and administration.
The Longview Testing Center administers GED tests and TSI tests.The Testing Center is also available for students and community members to have tests proctored while taking on-line or correspondence courses from other colleges or universities. Scheduling for these tests must be done on an individual basis. A $30 proctoring fee per exam for this service must be paid by cash, credit card or money order. Â For more information, contact the Longview Testing Center Manager at (903) 236-2051 or by e-mail at
A valid photo ID is required at the time of testing.
The ACCUPLACER ESL exam is offered on the Kilgore campus Monday through Thursday at 11 a.m. by appointment only (except during late registration and finals periods).
The ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC®) is an assessment-based credential issued at four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The NCRC measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations.
The TEAS exam is available for students applying to a health science program.
Kilgore campus:
Longview campus:
Want college-credit without classroom instruction? Take the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests and shorten your path to a college degree. Visit the CLEP schedule or official CLEP website for more details.
CLEP exams are offered weekly by appointment Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the KILGORE CAMPUS ONLY.
Scheduling Procedures: (Complete steps in order)
Testing guidelines for non-KC exams:
NOTE: The passing score for each TxCHSE (GED) subject area is 145. This means if a student achieves a score of 145 or higher, they have passed that subject area.
Candidates must register in one of the following ways:
The cost is $36.25 per test or $145 for all tests however; the entire test cannot be taken on the Kilgore campus in one day.
The Pearson call center is available at 1-866-902-0593 (toll free) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CST)
Pay the $30 proctoring fee online to the Cashier’s Office on the Kilgore campus. Payments can be made in person or by phone at (903) 983-8108. Cash, Debit/Credit Cards and Money orders are accepted.
Available by appointment only Monday-Thursday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. & Fridays at 9 a.m.
Peace officers in possession of a firearm:
Registration procedures:
What to bring on test day:
After the exam:
Registration Procedures:
What to Bring on Test Day:
After the Exam:
You may be eligible for an exemption from a tis-assessment. In order to find out more information and determine if you qualify for this exemption, we encourage you to click the button below.
SPECIAL NOTE: Vouchers will not be issued or accepted during college holidays, late registration or heavy testing periods such as finals week.
TSI Assessment tests are offered Mondays through Thursdays at 9 a.m. and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. by appointment only.
You must complete the following steps in order to schedule a testing appointment:
Remote Testing:
Requesting a voucher:
After clicking the below link, students must enter their KC student ID number in order to retrieve TSI test scores.
It is the policy of Kilgore College to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. The college will adhere to all applicable Federal and State laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required, to afford equal educational opportunities. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services Office on the second floor of the Devall Student Center room 248 on the Kilgore Campus in person or by phone at (903) 983-8682 in a timely manner to arrange accommodations.  It is the student’s responsibility to follow all testing policies including registration procedures for all exams for which accommodations are requested.
The Testing Center will not schedule your exam without first receiving proof of payment and a copy of the Special Accommodations Request Form. The Accommodations Request Form is available from the Disability Services office.
Kilgore College seeks to provide equal educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or veteran status.