
Campus Map & Locations


Kilgore College’s campus in Kilgore is located at 1100 Broadway Blvd. in Gregg County. Kilgore, a city of 15,000, is in the northeast section of the state commonly referred to as the Piney Woods. This area is one of the most scenic areas in Texas with its pine and hardwood forests, lakes, rivers, streams and hills. The area is also rich in natural resources. Kilgore lies in the middle of what was once one of the most productive oil fields in the continental United States. Located four miles south of Interstate 20 on US Hwy. 259, Kilgore is 120 miles east of Dallas (Texas), 60 miles west of Shreveport (La.) and 10 miles southwest of Longview (Texas), a city of 90,000.

Select the Joe M. Hendrix Building to view the Longview Campus map or Zoom out and slide the map to the left. 

Kilgore college - Longview

KC-Longview is located at 300 S. High Street in Longview (Gregg County). It is a full-service extension of KC, offering testing, advising, registration, a bookstore. KC-Longview offers day and evening courses for college transfer, occupational education courses and adult and continuing education. KC-Longview also offers courses in selected academic, occupational and adult and continuing education programs at area public schools.