Admission to the PTA Program is limited to 16 students and is based on an accumulation of points. Everything submitted in the application packet as well as any additional testing and the interview are objectively scored and enter into the decision regarding acceptance into the Program. The two largest areas for point accumulation are for the total number of accrued grade points in the support classes and then the interview, if granted.
Additional points are given for the reference forms, essays, science GPAs, taking support courses at Kilgore College or other articulating institutions, living in the Kilgore College service area. Additionally, a student can lose points if they fail to follow the instructions in the application packet, have retaken Anatomy & Physiology courses more than twice (including W’s), or they have negative comments on the Volunteer/ Observation Evaluation Forms. The submitted application is first scored immediately after the April deadline and the top 40 or so applicants are offered an interview and are required to do additional testing, if utilized, within the next few weeks.
These scores are then added to the previous packet score and the top 16 applicants are offered conditional acceptance into the Program pending passing of the Criminal Background Check and the Drug Screen.
There are also identified numbered Alternates for the next 5-10 ranked applicants in case one of the originally accepted applicants is not able to enter the program.
The PTA Program at Kilgore College has excellent student outcomes for its students including graduation rates, licensure pass rates on the national licensure exam, and employment rates. For the most recent two years of data collection (2021-2023), the following outcomes are noted in these areas:
If a student is offered a slot in the PTA Program: It is conditional upon successfully completing a drug screen and criminal background check at specific required sites within a narrow time frame. If any positive result shows up on the drug screen, the student has the opportunity to contest or explain the result, but if the result stands, the student will forfeit their slot in the program.
If you have ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, with the exception of minor traffic violations, you will need to have your criminal history evaluated by the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners to determine eligibility for licensure in the state of Texas. This includes guilty verdicts, no contest pleas, probation, and deferred adjudication. This process is fully outlined on the Licensing Board’s website at The applicant should go to this website for instructions and necessary forms to start the process. This process will cost the applicant $50.00 and may take up to 120 days to complete, so the applicant is encouraged to start this process early if applicable. A positive ruling by the Board that this criminal history will not make the applicant ineligible to receive a license in Texas will be required before the applicant can begin the PTA program. The applicant may still apply to the program before the process is complete, but will not be allowed to officially be accepted into the program until the process is complete and the student is deemed eligible for licensure.
The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Kilgore College engages in continuous and systematic evaluation and improvement. We welcome the community’s comments, suggestions, ideas, and constructive criticism as part of that process. Individuals in the community who do not have a formal affiliation with this institution or program are also welcome to provide comments according to the following policy:
Comments must be submitted to the following:
PTA Program Director
Kilgore College
1100 Broadway
Kilgore, TX 75662
Again, if unsatisfactory resolution is not or cannot be reached, an appeal may be made to the Vice President of Student Learning within seven (7) days or ultimately to the Office of the President within seven (7) days. Again, if unsatisfactory resolution is not or cannot be reached, an appeal may be made to the Vice President of Student Learning, Engagement, Student Success and Chief Academic Officer within seven (7) days or ultimately to the Office of the President within seven (7) days. The decision of the President will be final and not subject to further appeal. Neither the dean, vice-president, or president will become involved until all attempts to resolve the issue with the Program Director have been exhausted (unless the comments is directly related to the performance of the Program Director as noted above).
Records of all correspondence will be confidentially maintained by the PTA program director for five (5) years. These records will not be open to the public.
While the job market for PTA’s has decreased over the last few years, there is still a need for PTA’s in the healthcare setting especially in rural areas. The competition for these jobs has increased slightly, however, to date, all graduates of the PTA program wishing to find employment in the field have done so. The current job growth for PTA’s in the state of Texas is 26% and 17.6% nationwide. The Bureau of the Department of Labor statistics shows the national median salary is $58,040.
The PTA Program at KC is a two-year associate degree program combining academic and clinical course work and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. The PTA Program admits one class per year to begin in the fall. Class size is currently limited to 16 students and there are usually between 80-100 applicants each year. All PTHA courses must be taken in sequence and can be taken only in the semester identified.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Services, the national median salary for Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) was $49,690. Local salaries will vary.
Physical therapist assistants must complete a two-year educational program.. The graduates must then pass a PTA state licensure exam before they can work as a PTA, but the AAS degree is conferred. Physical therapist assistants work under the supervision of a physical therapist. Their duties include assisting the physical therapist in implementing treatment programs according to the plan of care, training patients in exercises and activities of daily living, conducting treatments, using special equipment, administering modalities and other treatment procedures and reporting to the physical therapist on the patients.
The PTA Program at Kilgore College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22305-3085; Telephone: 703-706-3245; E-mail: Website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call (903) 983-8154 or email